Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 1: The Three Breaths

I have now learned three breaths that I will attempt to utilize in order to awaken my Kundalini.

The first is Ocean Breath:
A deep inhale through the nose is followed by a pushing of air out of the mouth as if trying to fog a window (This is just to illustrate the point, and isn't the actual breath). To perform the real breath, do the same thing again, but this time close your mouth so the sound echos from your mouth and out of your nose. Whenever one is meditating and thoughts get the best of them, this sound can help drown them out.

The second is Fire Breath:
A deep inhale through the nose is followed by rapid abdominal expansions and contractions. This action mimics the way dogs breathe, but is different in two ways: you breathe only through your nose, and you only use your stomach and diaphragm to breathe - your chest should only barely move. (This breath can be a bit dangerous so it should only be done in either guided meditation or in very short bursts - never more than a few minutes)

The third is Root Lock:
There is a muscle that rests in the perineum called the Pubococcygeus (or "PC muscle" or "kegel"). Ancient yogis believed that by inhaling deeply through the nose, out through the mouth, tensing the PC muscle and the anus, and then visualizing the energy (visualizing it red helps) running up the spine), they could facilitate a Kundalini awakening faster.

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