Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 1: Kundalini

Regardless of which systems I move between I carry two certain ideas with me.

One - the presence of a "life force" energy that is endless and permeates all things (Qi, Prana, Mana, Ki, the Force, etc)

Two - this energy coalesces in the body at specific points called Chakras. Chakras can become clogged and act as spiritual choke points, inhibiting our actions and our minds and causing negative outcomes.

Because of my adherence to these ideas, I have decided to take it upon myself to try and open all of my chakras and raise/awaken my Kundalini.

I will post updates about this process as it progresses.

Tonight marks Day 1. I did a guided Kundalini meditation from YouTube and am currently looking up several video guides about awakening the Kundalini safely and permanently.

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