Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bad Dreams

I'm going to stop numbering the days because there's no way I'll be able to keep track of them.

Had a bad dream last night involving my ex and now today isn't shaping up to be much better.

Some days you eat the bear and some days the bear eats you.

(On a side note, ever notice that people usually say quotes like this whenever it's the latter?)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 8: Qigong

Sorry I've missed posting the last few days. I have been thoroughly unmotivated to meditate, which is a greater sign to me that I need to do more work with my spirituality than ever.

I started with Qigong/Wujishi breathing today. I only did 5-10 minutes of it for today, but I can definitely feel the effects.

I breathe a little deeper and I can feel extra energy flowing through me.

I'm hoping that the more activated stance of Qigong will help me get over my distaste of meditation's passiveness (plus I really just hate sitting cross-legged).

That's all for today!

~May the Force be with you~

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 5: Guided Meditations

Seeing as how I forgot to meditate yesterday, it wouldn't have made much sense to make a blog post.

I did the usual guided meditation today. I am beginning to wonder if some of the parts of it detract from the actual goal I am trying to accomplish.

What I mean is, it seems that when I am doing spiritual work I tend to over-think and try too hard.

I might try doing a meditation without the audio tomorrow to see if it helps at all.

Trying too hard can lead to blockages, and visualization can hamper if you aren't the best at visualizing.

"A Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him." ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi

I have to stop thinking and start feeling.

That's all for today.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 3: Binaural Chakra Balancing

Today I just did an eight minute binaural chakra balancing video.

Binaural beats are where different frequencies are put into the left and right ears (it requires high quality stereo headphones, which I am fortunate enough to possess).

The effects aren't quite evident as of yet, and I had finished the video only seconds before writing this post.

I will make another post later today to update about any noticeable effects.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 2: Fire Breath

Because tonight my friend is coming over for a visit I decided to do my Kundalini meditation early today.

I did the same guided meditation as last night because I enjoyed it.

A couple of things I am noticing are that my back is straining to sit up straight. I guess it has to do with our culture being one where slouching is cool and sitting up straight and walking tall are signs of being uptight.

Fire Breath is my biggest challenge so far. Well, that and the whole "sitting still for 30 minutes" thing.

It's definitely a good abdominal workout. I cannot observe quite yet what purpose it is serving me spiritually. Perhaps it is because I am having a tough time simply doing the technique. Once I get the hang of it, I'll probably start noticing some changes in my meditation (I might also have some visible abs too, *chuckles*).

Well that's all for today.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 1: The Three Breaths

I have now learned three breaths that I will attempt to utilize in order to awaken my Kundalini.

The first is Ocean Breath:
A deep inhale through the nose is followed by a pushing of air out of the mouth as if trying to fog a window (This is just to illustrate the point, and isn't the actual breath). To perform the real breath, do the same thing again, but this time close your mouth so the sound echos from your mouth and out of your nose. Whenever one is meditating and thoughts get the best of them, this sound can help drown them out.

The second is Fire Breath:
A deep inhale through the nose is followed by rapid abdominal expansions and contractions. This action mimics the way dogs breathe, but is different in two ways: you breathe only through your nose, and you only use your stomach and diaphragm to breathe - your chest should only barely move. (This breath can be a bit dangerous so it should only be done in either guided meditation or in very short bursts - never more than a few minutes)

The third is Root Lock:
There is a muscle that rests in the perineum called the Pubococcygeus (or "PC muscle" or "kegel"). Ancient yogis believed that by inhaling deeply through the nose, out through the mouth, tensing the PC muscle and the anus, and then visualizing the energy (visualizing it red helps) running up the spine), they could facilitate a Kundalini awakening faster.

Day 1: Kundalini

Regardless of which systems I move between I carry two certain ideas with me.

One - the presence of a "life force" energy that is endless and permeates all things (Qi, Prana, Mana, Ki, the Force, etc)

Two - this energy coalesces in the body at specific points called Chakras. Chakras can become clogged and act as spiritual choke points, inhibiting our actions and our minds and causing negative outcomes.

Because of my adherence to these ideas, I have decided to take it upon myself to try and open all of my chakras and raise/awaken my Kundalini.

I will post updates about this process as it progresses.

Tonight marks Day 1. I did a guided Kundalini meditation from YouTube and am currently looking up several video guides about awakening the Kundalini safely and permanently.