Sunday, August 12, 2012

Poems for Loki

The Loki's Prayer
The Loki is my shepherd, I shall not want to do homework.
He maketh me to sit down in my computer chair,
He leadeth me to funny pictures on the internet.
He restoreth my mood, he leadeth me in the path of awesomeness in his own name.
Yea though I walk through the valley of the mundane, I will fear no boredom: for thou art in my backseat;
thy bong and thy lighter, they comfort me.
Surely good times and intoxication shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Loki forever.

Show Me
Break down my inhibitions,
Throw my delusions in my face.
Teach me how to love you,
Put me in my place.

Lead me not to hypocrisy,
But deliver me from greed.
Be my torch, Flame-hair,
In this, my hour of need.

You've been here all along,
If only I knew.
So now I raise my bottle high,
This last shot's for you.

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