Sunday, August 19, 2012


I just wanna endorse right here and now the usage of adderall. When the world seems to close in around me, I take my adderall and it just makes me think clearly.

I only see the good side in things and nothing seems like it is going to last forever.

I don't want to make it seem like you should be dependent on it, but it definitely helps on days when it just seems like nothing natural is going to work (and I have those often).

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Sometimes in order to create balance something must be destroyed.

And it's usually any sense of security or routine you have in this world.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mordgud and Loki

I left out offerings for both of them tonight. Loki got another shot of tequila and Mordgud is the first being besides myself to taste my first ever batch of mead (I hope she likes it).

I'm curious to see if either of them decides to contact me soon or even at all.

I've still never had any "religious experience" to the point where I was assured that the gods even exist.

It seems like a lot of other people have one without really trying at all so I wonder why I haven't when I've tried several times...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Poems for Loki

The Loki's Prayer
The Loki is my shepherd, I shall not want to do homework.
He maketh me to sit down in my computer chair,
He leadeth me to funny pictures on the internet.
He restoreth my mood, he leadeth me in the path of awesomeness in his own name.
Yea though I walk through the valley of the mundane, I will fear no boredom: for thou art in my backseat;
thy bong and thy lighter, they comfort me.
Surely good times and intoxication shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Loki forever.

Show Me
Break down my inhibitions,
Throw my delusions in my face.
Teach me how to love you,
Put me in my place.

Lead me not to hypocrisy,
But deliver me from greed.
Be my torch, Flame-hair,
In this, my hour of need.

You've been here all along,
If only I knew.
So now I raise my bottle high,
This last shot's for you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

New Post

It occurs to me that I haven't made a post in a while so I'm going to try writing a poem about not caring about physical appearances off the top of my head before I go to bed.

Here we go.

Luminous Beings
Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Can we ever get over it all?
Nothing left for us here.
Nothing but masks.

For who could deny
That we all live with our lie?
Nobody exempt.
The inescapable human condition.

Luminous beings are we,
Not this crude matter.
Tell it to your friends,
You're mad as a hatter.

At the end of the day,
The closing masquerade.
All we really have,
Is ourselves.