Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hail Loki!

We interrupt this spiritual blog to bring you a breaking announcement:

Ok, it's not really THAT breaking but I felt like it needed mentioning and I had to nix out my previous statement about the journey in good fashion.

Anyway, I recently made prayer beads for Loki at a local pagan group meeting where we all made prayer beads.

I noticed two things peculiar during and after this process respectively:

-a bug that was flying around the room and stopped on the chandelier above me and seemed to be staring at me for most of it

-a strong lightheadedness I felt shortly after the beads were finished and when I was carrying them for the next few days

I think he likes them.

Well, this'll be my last post for today.

The next post will be about the journeying.

I promise.



The Saga Begins

Don't you hate it when stories start off with cheesy shit like that?

Well, this is mine. And don't get your hopes up because it probably won't be that interesting.

A few things I should say before we get into my actual accounts with the supernatural:

1) I have ADHD and will probably abandon this blog when something shiny catches my eye

2) As the title suggests, I am overwhelmingly skeptical and cynical when it comes to life. However, I have always been (ironically) a very spiritual person as well. This oxymoron of a personality will illustrate itself in how the day-to-day ramblings of my experiences change in tone over time (one day spiritual stuff will be life-changing, the other it will be fucking stupid to me)

3) Lastly, I use swear words a lot. There isn't much of an explanation for this besides the fact that they add emphasis and can help illustrate points that more refined words often cannot

3b) As an added note to this one: No, I don't speak any of the cool ancient languages and no, I don't write skaldic poetry with vast amounts of imagery and I don't know the structure of these poems or how they were written and frankly I don't give a damn. I have a natural affinity for music, but damn do I hate people who get all into it and rub it in other peoples' faces like they were something special. Personally, I don't even practice the instruments I know anymore. Isn't that a great example of the universe's sense of humor? They give me a few things I'm naturally good at, and don't give me the work ethic or attention span to pursue them. Oh well.

That's all for now. I felt like the first post should just be an introduction and a preview of the upcoming first "official" post of this blog.

My first post shall be my experiences in attempting to "journey," in a shamanic sense, once again. I experienced this the first time late last year (2011) and have wanted to try and recreate it ever since. I am not really expecting anything in particular, I'm just going to try and meditate and see where it takes me.

